Thursday, 17 December 2009

(33) What My Magazine is all about.

Pro Pella is exactly what is says. Pro is a Positive or great thing and Pella is an ancient translation from the word “music”. Another translation is “city of refuge” which can be reflected in my front cover, showing an old city alley way. I can be certain that my magazine will appeal to my target market, through including features, articles, information, gifts and loads more, all relating to my market. My surveys have given me a range of ideas of how to further pull in costumers, from details on price, to content. Referring back to both my mood board and surveys will allow me to bring both what my readers want, and what certain features attract me, together.
I will centre the premise and USP of my magazine around the notion “we’re pro music” constantly through out the magazine, suggesting music is the most important thing in their lives. Enforcing this notion on my front cover, will then mean I can juxtapose more light, easy reading issues, such as band’s favourite pass times e.c.t. using such articles, and addressing bands in an informal, first person context, will include the reader almost directly, making them feel as if they are there, experiencing the interview. I am very keen on using a unique, cartoon like style within my magazine. I feel mixing both real life, artistic photographs, with light, entertaining cartoons will give a great effect. I also feel this style will suggest “Pro-Pella” can offer an escape from reality, taking you into the world of music.

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